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Sunday Stories

Welcome friends to our weekly recap of stories you may have missed this holiday week. As always, I've included something to make you...

My Favorite Neighbor

As 2018 starts to wind down, we will soon be inundated with the annual "look-back" pieces that tell us how terrible a year it was and how...

Turkey Truths

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! May the day be filled with love, happiness, as few political arguments as possible and lots of turkey! Today...

The One About Protest Songs

From time to time, traveling on the subway can feel like a game of roulette. Is this the day I get stuck underground for hours? Or, my...

The Politics of Compassion

I have been involved in politics for most of my life. Thanks to my father's leadership in the Puerto Rican community here in New York...

Who or What Will Save the MTA?

The Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) is in serious trouble. The severity of what is to come for the MTA, its ever-diminishing...

No Time For Losers

I spent the summer of 1985 in Florida with my aunt, uncle and cousins. It was a memorable few months. I grew four inches and was away...

Alexa, Give Me Tax Breaks

The Amazon HQ2 "competition" is finally over. Jeff Bezos' national ego ... um ... campaign to see what kind of sweetheart deal he could...

A Rant and Some Hope

I had grand plans for today. I was going to get a lot of work done. Check things off my to-do list. Complete my #30DayWritingChallenge...

America's Untold Stories

Welcome to the Midterms, Day 2, as major races for Governor and U.S. Senate remain undecided or headed to recounts. Instant hot takes...

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