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Happy NYC Marathon Day!

Today is the day over 50,000 runners and wheelchair racers line up on Staten Island waiting to be released onto a 26.2-mile course that...

A Big Ol' Mayoral Sing-a-long

When news broke this week that the mayor of Taipei, Taiwan, Ko Wen-je had dropped a rap song, I could not run to the internet fast...

The Ongoing Fight for Pay Equity

First observed in 1996, Equal Pay Day was established to symbolize the day each year when women's earnings catch up to what white,...

Halloween, Boba Fett and Smarties

It's Day 5 of my #30DayWritingChallenge, but more importantly ... Happy Halloween! Welcome to the one day each year we are allowed to...

The Layers of My City

For today's #30DayWritingChallenge I pulled together a short piece that came to me as I was walking around my neighborhood. Thanks for...

It's National Cat Day!

For today's installment of my #30DayWritingChallenge, I figured I'd go with something a bit lighter than my first two entries. We can all...

When Will It Stop?

I was in the middle of posting Day 1 of my #30DayWritingChallenge about the bomb packages from earlier this week when news broke about an...

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